Sacred English: American Runes and Alliterative Poetry
The first online course featuring the American Futharch! Turbo-charge your Rune-Writing through its nine sessions and "brew" your first draughts of traditional alliterative poetry!
How to Use This Platform
FREE PREVIEWOverview from American Futharch Website
FREE PREVIEWWho Should Take This Course?
FREE PREVIEWPreview: Sounds and Basics of the American Futharch Runes
FREE PREVIEWFree Sample on Rune Writing and Poetry with a Bonus File
FREE PREVIEWBefore We Begin...
FREE PREVIEWLesson 1: Phonology and American Futharch Runes
Exercise 1: Read and Write in Runes
Lesson 2: Questions, Answers, and Review #1
Lesson 3: Stress, Parts of Speech, and Basic Alliteration (Learning to Walk)
Exercise 3: Grammar of Poetry and Runes
Lesson 4: Questions, Answers, and Review #2
Lesson 5: Putting Together an Alliterative Long Line (Learning to Run)
Exercise 5: Long Lines and Their Runic Alliteration
Lesson 6: Questions, Answers, and Review #3
Lesson 7: Full-Stanza Poems (Learning to Fly)
Exercise 7: Stanzas and Advanced Alliteration
Lesson 8: Questions, Answers, and Review #4
Lesson 9: Rituals of the Runes and the Mead
This course uses the revolutionary new American Futharch for its runic system. If you’ve arrived here without encountering the American Futharch before, please look over Eirik’s American Futharch website (link at bottom of page) before enrolling.
This isn’t merely a course for learning cool things—it’s a course for doing cool things, namely writing runes & poetry.
This is a cohort course running from February 3 to May 12. Enrollment for the semester is now closed!
Four pre-recorded teaching lessons + four Q&A review lessons + one final special lesson.
Features four sets of runic exercises for which Eirik provides individual feedback!
Join the free preview for all of the "Welcome to the Course" items, including the syllabus, a rune lore preview, a sample video, and a free printable set of rune tiles.